Veiling 360 Furniture & Book related objects

STRONGBOX, covered on the inside w. prints. Dutch (?), 2nd h. 17th c. Wood, iron fittings, engravings, leather, woodcuts. 40 x 50 x 40 cm. (Prints unfortunately partly skimmed by silverfish).

The lid of the strongbox contains on the inside a richly blind tooled leather cover plate on which two coloured woodcuts (?) are pasted with representations of 'spring' and a 'shepherd and a shepherdess', both bearing the address of the Antwerp publisher Frederik Bouttats. When the cover plate is folded away, an image of Christ as a good shepherd appears on the back side: a copy after a design by Maarten de Vos, published by Martinus van Beusecom (Hollstein 608, copy d). The inside of the lid also contains a double portrait of King Frederick of Denmark and his wife Sophia Amalia, with the address of François van Beusecom. The edges of the lid are decorated with colourful paper. This seventeenth century chest follows a tradition in which chests like ours were covered with prints on the inside. It probably also had a division on the bottom (a removable container?), but that is no longer present. It can be locked with a large key. - As described and depicted in the catalogue (added to this lot): 'Prenten in de Gouden Eeuw van kunst tot kastpapier'. Rotterdam, 2006, cat. # 32 (p. 39).

€ 3000

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